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Learn at your own pace and earn 2 continuing education credits! Learning about complex trauma and the brain/nervous system can be overwhelming. While learning at your own pace, you can replay as many times as you need and take as much time as you want during the experiential practices. When your workshop is complete, email me for your post-learning quiz and continuing education certificate (this is required by NASW/CT for continuing education. When you checkout, you'll receive a Zip folder with everything you need! The best quality will come from accessing the workshop from the link provided- you can alwasy download the MP4 file to keep forever. Feel free to download the MP4 file and keep it as an educational tool for your sessions! 


The purpose of this presentation is to educate mental health practitioners about what complex trauma is, how it differs from single episode trauma, and how it affects the brain and relationships. Attendees will learn about dissociation, spectrum of dissociation, and how to manage dissociation symptoms with their clients.  Attendees will learn about the Window of Tolerance and Polyvagal Theory and how to discuss with clients in order to describe their arousal state. Practitioners will receive training and psycho-educational material for clients to describe arousal states and how to identify which arousal state the client is experiencing. 

Complex Trauma & The Nervous System

  • This recording was produced and owned by Grechko Training & Consulting, LLC. This recording is for individual use only.

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